Birth & Beyond
We partnered with Birth & Beyond, a women’s health care startup, to create their launch website.
A fresh design for a fresh concept
Birth & Beyond is something new in the medical space. Grown from the desire to provide refreshingly convenient care for a modern generation, they wanted a design that would reflect their mission. We gave them a clean, airy site that stands out in the cluttered medical space.
Planned with the future in mind
The team at Birth & Beyond knew what features they wanted on their website in the long term, such as online appointment scheduling. But on their startup budget, they needed to keep things simple for now. We planned the site to fit the team’s future goals, so when they do start to take patients, the more robust features will be waiting in the wings.
Easy to update along the way
Startups are constantly evolving. It’s critical that the team can make changes easily, without having to get a developer on the phone. We built the Birth & Beyond website in a user-friendly CMS, so that any time a new doctor is added or an office location is secured, the team can make updates on their own.